"Secrets of Relationship"

There are perfect secrets that makes relationship happy and meaningful. 
In today's world of hookups, true love has lost it's way. 
I'm 22 and going to attend dates and to understand different mindsets. 
The boys I met didn't resonate with me except one. 
Yesterday night, I felt or I got the thinking coming over on mind after reading some alluring words. 
"The very foundation of a good relationship is to respect other's. 
To make them feel important. 
To not impose our superiority on them. 
To not impose our personality. 
To not impose our opinions, our likes, our dislikes in others." 
Which is why when I speak to those to impose themselves on me, I get a feeling that they are important But when I speak to those who truly love me, I get a feeling that I am important.
A relationship is not about You or Me.
It is about Us.
Where both individuals accept each other, respect each other, Serve each other, make each other, make each other feel important.
Isn't it said that when I is replaced by We.
And this is how I felt
Yes, indeed a good relationship is about giving importance to one another and understanding each other.
Isn't that an amazing secret of life?

Please, give ur reviews. 

-Kotikala Nehalata 


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